How Collagen Can Save Your Aging Skin

Time stops for no one, and aging is inevitable. But collagen can put a halt, if not minimise the effects of aging. In a world where first-impressions can make or break, why not let your face make a lasting impression? Clothes can only go so far. Makeup can only conceal so much. But your skin reveals everything! It all boils down to the skin’s protein, or the lack thereof. Why is that important?

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The main components that contribute to ageing is a combination of intrinsic and extrinsic factors. The intrinsic factor includes time, women tend to have less collagen content than men do to begin with. The collagen content decreases at the rate of 1% per year beyond the age of 20. A woman will naturally have lost almost half of the collagen in her skin by the time she turns 50.

Extrinsic factors of ageing include environmental stress, such as exposure to the sun, skin damage from contact with pollutants, tobacco or certain toxic substances. These factors accelerate the formation of free radicals that speed up the breakdown of collagen.

What's the importance of collagen and which areas does it affect the most?

Collagen is a protein, a natural component of the skin whose function is to support and build blocks of cells, tissues and organs. This protein, together with keratin and elastin, gives the skin strength, elasticity and structure. Collagen constitutes 70% of our skin structure. At 20 years old, t you are at the peak of your protein count. After this you lose 1% of collagenous protein every year, when you have less collagen in your skin, your skin becomes less elastic, the skin looks thinner and you tend to develop more wrinkles.

The gradual loss of collagen means less density in the tissues of the face, mainly volume loss in the forehead, cheeks & chin regions. This also results in gradual loss of facial contour and deterioration in neck and jowl definition. Think about the formation laugh lines, double chin and the appearance of a turkey wattle. This surely paints a profile picture of unwanted wrinkles, and sagging skin you’d like to avoid.

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So, what can you do to stimulate collagen production and maintain youthful skin?

Before you sigh and make a face-palm, we are here to tell you that you can keep your youthful looks and kick start the reversal of aging through collagen stimulation.

According to Dr Larry Wu, medical director of iCare Medical and Wellness Clinic; Collagen Stimulator (PolyCaproLactone) is an innovative advance rejuvenating filler that allows 1:1 stimulation of predominantly type 1 collagen formation. The end result is a natural soft aesthetically pleasing appearance that is soft to the touch and indistinguishable from your natural body tissue.

Collagen Stimulator (PolyCaproLactone)
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In youthful skin, collagen type I comprises 80% and collagen type III comprises about 15% of total skin protein. Whereas in older skin, the proportion of Type III to Type I collagen increases mainly due to an appreciable loss of skin protein I. By stimulating the formation of type I collagen with Ellanse, you are simply restoring the predominance of type 1 collagen and hence your skin’s youthful appearance.

“To achieve this effect, we simply inject Collagen Stimulator (polycaprolactone PCL microspheres suspended in carboxymethycellulose gel carrier) that produces an activation of local fibroblasts and this, in turn, stimulates neocollagenesis (generation of new collagen). Fret not with the scientific jargons as they are safe. Polycaprolactone or PCL is a fully bio-absorbable and non-toxic medical polymer used in medical devices. Following degradation, the PCL microspheres is degraded into water and carbon dioxide,” explains Dr Wu.

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“Besides that, the Collagen Stimulator treatment produces a lifting effect that tightens and re-densifies the skin, thus improving its quality. The effect is achieved after several injections. No worries about downtime, as the procedure lasts shorter than your lunch break! After approximately 30 minutes, you can return to your daily routine without much interruption. What’s more, the overall effect can last as long as one to two years. After this period, the skin returns to its normal state without increased sagging in the area,” adds Dr Wu.



The years may add up, but not on your skin. Keep friends, family and colleagues guessing why they keep getting older, and your skin keep getting younger. Don’t unravel with time, rejuvenate with age!


  1. Shuster S., Black M.M., McVitie E. The influence of age and sex on skin thickness, skin collagen and density. Br J Dermatol. 1975;93:639–643

  1. L Baumann, Skin ageing and its treatment,, 2007

De Melo, Recommendations for volume augmentation and rejuvenation of the face and hands with the new generation polycaprolactone-based collagen stimulator (Ellansé®),Clin Cosmet Investig Dermatol. 2017; 10: 431–440.

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